Anthropology on Screen

Spring 2025


In this course we closely examine the disconnect between what one thinks anthropology is about and what anthropology actually is. Television and film often show cavalier archaeologists seeking rare and powerful artifacts, forensic anthropologists solving murders with holograms and dark lights, or museum staff dealing with animated displays after hours. This makes us ask - what is it that anthropologists actually study and do? The discipline of anthropology examines the human condition through our biology, our past, our representation, and most importantly our culture. Films and television play an important role in depicting perceived realities and how we make sense of ourselves, others, and the world around us. We invite you to explore how these forms of popular culture draw attention to anthropology.

Class Notes

Class Details

Instructor Name (static text): 
Kamp-Whittaker, April E


Class Registration Information

Class #
ANTH 150 -
Price TBA:
  • $ / unit
Class Meeting Dates

01/21/2025 - 05/16/2025




ANTH 150 - SECT 01

Anthropology on Screen

Class: 4941 Units: 3

M-F 01/21/2025 - 05/16/2025 TBA

In this course we closely examine the disconnect between what one thinks anthropology is about and what anthropology actually is. Television and film often show cavalier archaeologists seeking rare and powerful artifacts, forensic anthropologists solving murders with holograms and dark lights, or museum staff dealing with animated displays after hours. This makes us ask - what is it that anthropologists actually study and do? The discipline of anthropology examines the human condition through our biology, our past, our representation, and most importantly our culture. Films and television play an important role in depicting perceived realities and how we make sense of ourselves, others, and the world around us. We invite you to explore how these forms of popular culture draw attention to anthropology.

Class Notes

In this course we closely examine the disconnect between what one thinks anthropology is about and what anthropology actually is. Television and film often show cavalier archaeologists seeking rare and powerful artifacts, forensic anthropologists solving murders with holograms and dark lights, or museum staff dealing with animated displays after hours. This makes us ask - what is it that anthropologists actually study and do? The discipline of anthropology examines the human condition through our biology, our past, our representation, and most importantly our culture. Films and television play an important role in depicting perceived realities and how we make sense of ourselves, others, and the world around us. We invite you to explore how these forms of popular culture draw attention to anthropology.

Instructor Name (static text): 
Kamp-Whittaker, April E