How to Complete a Special Session Course Proposal

Complete the Special Session Course Proposal form, filling in all sections completely before submitting your proposal. Below is some information to help you through the sections of the form. Once submitted, PCE will route for all necessary signatures and approvals. You will receive a signed copy via email once all signatures have been obtained. 


The department, course number, course title, unit value and grading method will be determined by you and the academic unit which approves your course. Experimental courses for degree credit typically are numbered 198, 298, 398, 498, 598, or 698. Special Topic courses require advance campus notification and may be offered no more than once. A memo of intent to offer must be submitted according to the Academic Department Manual. New course numbers (less than 800) must be approved through Academic Affairs. Students must petition for the credit/non-credit option for a letter graded course.


Contract Course (No Faculty Salary) - This applies when the instructor of record for the course is not going to receive a salary from PCE, in return the student pays a reduce fee of $75/unit (subject to change). This could also apply when an agency (such as a school district) has contracted with the University to provide credit for the course, and the agency is paying the instructor salary. 

Non-CSU Faculty: If the instructor is a visiting faculty member, please indicate their daytime phone number. If the instructor has never taught at Chico State, payroll documents must be completed. The necessary payroll documents are available in the Personnel Office. If the instructor has taught at Chico State, but has had a break in service for a semester or longer, contact the Personnel Office.

All courses must be graded before faculty pay will be issued.

Course Descriptions: Prerequisites must be listed at the beginning of the course description. Please provide the official description for the course For approved University courses, PCE will use the current university catalog. Please add any additional notes in this section.  

Dates: Indicate the month and date the class will meet.

Days of the Week: Indicate the exact days the class will meet. Example: M-T-W-R-F-S-U

Start/End Time: Each unit of credit requires 15 hours of classroom contact.

Building/Room: If you have a preference for a particular building and room, please let us know. We will do our best to reserve the room requested. If your course takes place at an off campus location, please indicate here.

Special Topic Courses: Special Topic courses require advance campus notification and may be offered no more than one time. See the Academic Department Manual. If you plan to offer this type of course, be sure to indicate the specific course title in field 1. Confirm Yes or No if you have submitted the Memo of Intent to offer a Special Topic course.

Registration Deadline: Each instructor is allowed to set a registration deadline.

Minimum Enrollment: Please indicate the minimum number of students needed for the class to be held.

Maximum Enrollment: If the class will have an enrollment limit, please indicate the number.

Course Should NOT be Advertised: If a course is not open to the general public (e.g., by invitation only) and should not be advertised in the Special Session Class schedule, please check here.

Total Hours: Total the number of hours to be sure they meet the 15 hours per unit criteria or if your course has a final 17 hours per unit. See the Special Session Time Matrix for requirements regarding course set up.

A full-time faculty member with a 12-unit (or more) teaching load shall be available for consultation in his/her office for an aggregate time of five hours per week. Such office hours shall be scheduled at times and on days when affected students are normally in attendance. This provision shall be applied pro rata for faculty with less than a 12-unit teaching load.


Additional fees to cover tangible material costs may be collected by Continuing Education. You must contact us before authorizing any expenses. Indicate whether it is an approved course fee on file with Business & Finance.



Internships offered at Chico State are required to adhere to EO 1064 dated 9/9/2011 and EM 89-022 dated 6/7/89.  PCE will approve internships that demonstrate compliance through documentation with EO 1064 requiring a written Placement Assessment and compliance with EM 89-022 requiring a written description of the internship.  Documentation can be emailed to or attached to special session course proposal.

Proposal Submission

A course proposal cannot be processed until the appropriate signatures (dean and chair) are obtained.
