Computer Science Supplementary Authorization Program

About the ProgramCourseworkApply

We are excited to announce that we will be working this summer to update the delivery of our program to a more flexible, and still fully-online, format for teachers and plan to begin our next cohort in summer of 2025. Please let us know, using the form on this page, if you'd like to receive information as it becomes available. We'd love to have you join us!

Yellow underlineThe online Computer Science Supplementary Authorization Program at California State University, Chico provides credentialed K-12 teachers the coursework necessary to secure the supplementary authorization required to teach computer science.

New computer science content standards have been developed by the CA Department of Education for grades K-12. As of October 2020, a broader range of classes, including computer science and other quantitative reasoning subjects, can fulfill the recommended high school math requirements of students planning to apply to a CSU or UC. By 2027, a recommended 4th year of computer science/quantitative reasoning may become a requirement. This adds up to a strong need to expand the offerings of courses such as computer science. 

About the Program

Chico State's Computer Science Supplementary Authorization Program is fully online and cohort-based. You'll work through the program curriculum as a group, which builds community, fosters creativity, enhances leadership skills, and encourages greater progress. Courses are taught by Chico State Computer Science faculty Kevin Buffardi, Jaime Raigoza, Shelley Wong, and David Zeichick.

Choose from Two Supplementary Authorizations*:

The Introductory Computer Science Supplementary Authorization:

  • Boy working on robotics project…added to single subject teaching credential authorizes the holder to teach at any grade level the supplementary subject matter content typically included in curriculum guidelines and textbooks for study in grades 9 and below.
  • …added to a Multiple subject teaching credential authorizes the holder to teach departmentalized classes related to the supplementary in grades 9 and below.

The Specific Computer Science Authorization:

  • …added to the Single subject teaching credential authorizes the holder to teach the specific subject in grades preschool, kindergarten-12, and classes organized primarily for adults.

Details in California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Leaflets:

Supplementary Authorization for Multiple Subject
Supplementary Authorization for Single Subject

* Supplementary Authorizations May Be Added To: Single Subject Credentials; Multiple Subject Credentials; Standard Elementary and Secondary Credentials; University Internship Credentials (Multiple and Single Subject only); Special Secondary Credentials in Academic Subject: Art, Business Education, Homemaking, Industrial Arts, Music, Physical Education, Speech Arts, and Vocational Agriculture


Courses are offered sequentially and build on each other. They are offered online once each year as part of the program, therefore participation is considered a year-long commitment.

Introductory Authorization: 10 units

  • CSED 500 Computational Thinking | 3 Units | Summer
  • CSED 501 Computing Practice and Programming | 3 Units | Summer
  • CSED 510 Technology for Computer Science Education | 2 Units | Fall
  • CSED 511 Computing in Society | 2 Units | Spring

Specific Authorization: 14 units

  • Introductory Authorization courses listed above (10 units) PLUS…
  • CSED 590 Software Design, Data Structures, and Algorithms | 4 Units | Summer

Apply to the Program

The program is open to teachers throughout California. No formal admission to the university is required but a simple application form is required so we can make sure you are eligible for this supplementary authorization.

If you would like to be notified when applications open for our 2025 cohort, please let us know using the form on this page.Logo: Math and Science Teacher Initiative (MSTI) at CSU, Chico 
