Online BSBA Course Registration

  Accessing Your ClassLate Adds & DropsFees & Financial Aid 

Course Registration

Register for your Online BSBA courses through this website. Self registration through your Student Center is not available for this program. 

  • Fall class registration begins in July
  • Winter & spring class registration begins in November
  • Summer class registration begins in April

If you are unsure of what you need to register for each term, contact your advisor, Kristina Brown at or Michael Rehg at, 530-898-6395, orZoom.

Click the Section or Register link next to the class(es) you wish to enroll in. On the course page, click Register Now to add it to your cart. Then return to this page to add additional classes.

PLEASE NOTE: Your online registration is a request and will be processed by our registration team in the order received. If you submit a request on the weekend, it will be processed the following work week.

Financial aid recipients should register for all classes in a term at least two weeks before the term starts. If you add or drop courses later, you will be required to complete an Add/Drop form and a Change in Enrollment form. Note:There is no financial aid available for Winter Session classes and fees are due upon registration.


Spring Block 2

Course Dates: March 24–May 16, 2025

Registration Link
ACCT 437Federal Income Taxation I 3Section I
BADM 495 Applied Strategic Dec. Making 3Section I

Section II - FULL
BCOM 300WCommunication in Business (W)3Section I

Section II

Section III
BSIS 503ERP/SAP Knowledge1.5Section I
FINA 307Survey of Finance3Section I
GEOG 352The United States3Section I
MGMT 443Org Design and Change3Section I - full

Section II - full

Section III
MGMT 470Business Dynamics3Section I

MINS 311Foundation of Database Design1.5Section I
MKTG 305Survey of Marketing3Section I - FULL

Section II - FULL
MKTG 371Consumer Behavior3Closed

Section II - Full
PHIL 341WJustice & Global Issues (W)3Closed

Section II

Fees & Financial Aid

Course Fees

Fees are $525.00 per unit. Payment is due at the time of registration.

Financial Aid

Information on eligibility and how to apply can be found on the Chico State Financial Aid & Scholarship Office website.

If using financial aid or loans to pay fees, submit your registration request online without payment and note it in the order comments. Your aid must be accepted in your student account or you will be dropped and required to pay to re-enroll. 

To stay eligible for financial aid, you must be enrolled in at least six units per semester. Dropping below six units may require you to repay some or all of your aid.

Third Party/Sponsored Fees

If an external agency will be paying fees for you, an authorization to bill, letter of sponsorship, or purchase order is required each term. It is your responsibility to make sure that one is on file with the University. The authorization must include your full name, the term, courses to be paid for, and the total amount. Mail to:

California State University, Chico
Student Financial Service
940 W 1st St.
Chico, CA 95929-0242

Adds, Drops & Refunds

Please visit the Special Session Adds, Drops & Refunds page.

Canvas Learning Management System

Your online classes will take place in Canvas. Log in directly at and course content should be visible one week before classes start. If you are unfamiliar with Canvas, here is a link to helpful tutorials.


All textbook requirements should be posted at the Chico State Wildcat Store. Select the term, then enter the required information.

Technical Help at Chico State

If you need assistance using the Portal or accessing your courses, contact the ITSS Help Desk at 530-898-4357 or


Campus Resources

Wildcat ID Card

Textbooks Wildcat Bookstore

Meriam Library Services

Accessibility Resource Center

Financial Aid

Third Party Billing


Student Records: Forms, policies, and Planned Educational Leave

Student Health Center Information & Fees: If you live in the Chico area and wish to use the Student Health Center, additional fees apply each term and must be paid by the 20th day of the semester. Call Professional & Continuing Education at 530-898-6105.

WREC Center Membership Information & Fees: If you live in the Chico area and wish to use the WREC, additional fees apply each term and are payable at the WREC.
