The Chico State Multicultural and Gender Studies program approaches cultural analysis within and across the United States. With emphasis on the role of class, race, and gender in shaping cultural identities, the program explores diverse identities and experiences through various analytic lenses. It also encourages the ability to be able to effectively apply field-specific vocabulary, concepts, and theories, in activities, and assignments, and later frameworks around these subjects. The Multicultural and Gender Studies program promotes engagement in research, employment of data, and demonstration of capacity for working in teams with a diverse range of individuals.
Multicultural and Gender Studies
Hidden In Plain Sight: American Indians and the American Master Narrative
Dr. Lisa Emmerich
Multicultural and Gender Department, CSU, Chico
American Indians are often left out of the traditional American Narrative. Lisa Emmerich reveals the cover up of the dark history between Native Americans and Europeans. The lack of basic rights given to Native people continues to be a problem today. Emmerich explores the issue of voting rights in North Dakota, involving the requirement of a street address. She explains the burden this poses upon Native people, as they are unable to vote. We may think our rights are guaranteed, Emmerich opens our eyes to the reality for Native Americans in today’s society. Presentation time: 49 minutes | View Now