
ElderCollege is a great way to explore new disciplines and enjoy learning for the joy of it! The ElderCollege program gives people age 60 and older the opportunity to sit in on any regular university course on a space-available basis with instructor approval. Participation through ElderCollege is only for personal benefit and no official record of enrollment, attendance, or grade is recorded on a student's transcript. Professor lectures in front of adult learners

As a guest in the course, you'll gain the knowledge you desire without required homework! If you wish to do assignments and take tests, just request permission from the instructor. You may attend any number of classes in a given semester for a $75 fee, which also includes eligibility for a library card and an email account.

ElderCollege Spring 2025

ElderCollege is back, and we saved you a seat! Explore new disciplines with knowledgeable faculty and learn for the joy of it…without required homework! Spring classes begin January 21. 

New to ElderCollege?

Join us at our open house to learn more about the program and the registration process.

ElderCollege Open House

When: Monday, January 6, at 10 a.m.
Arts 105

Request an ElderCollege Class

We will begin accepting spring class requests in early January. To take advantage of this opportunity, you will (1) review the instructions below, (2) select classes from the University Class Schedule on the Chico State website, and (3) complete and submit an ElderCollege class request form.
