Myths, Frauds, & Misconception

Spring 2025


Through an anthropological lens, this course prepares you to tackle the world of pseudoscience by exploring various myths and misconceptions of the past and present through the rigors of science and critical thinking. Equally important, the course discusses the continued public attraction of pseudoscience despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. We explore epistemology-how we know what we know and how we separate belief from opinion. These overarching themes are applied to specific pseudoscientific claims such as giants, aliens, and "lost" cities, and discuss famous frauds that misled society and set scientific research back several decades. We also examine contemporary beliefs surrounding topics like sex, race, and violence, and delve into hot-button issues like the anti-vaccine and natural foods movements.

Class Notes

Class Details

Instructor Name (static text): 
O'Brien, Matthew J


Class Registration Information

Class #
ANTH 264 -
Price TBA:
  • $ / unit
Class Meeting Dates

01/21/2025 - 05/16/2025




ANTH 264 - SECT 01

Myths, Frauds, & Misconception

Class: 1718 Units: 3

M-F 01/21/2025 - 05/16/2025 TBA

Through an anthropological lens, this course prepares you to tackle the world of pseudoscience by exploring various myths and misconceptions of the past and present through the rigors of science and critical thinking. Equally important, the course discusses the continued public attraction of pseudoscience despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. We explore epistemology-how we know what we know and how we separate belief from opinion. These overarching themes are applied to specific pseudoscientific claims such as giants, aliens, and "lost" cities, and discuss famous frauds that misled society and set scientific research back several decades. We also examine contemporary beliefs surrounding topics like sex, race, and violence, and delve into hot-button issues like the anti-vaccine and natural foods movements.

Class Notes

Through an anthropological lens, this course prepares you to tackle the world of pseudoscience by exploring various myths and misconceptions of the past and present through the rigors of science and critical thinking. Equally important, the course discusses the continued public attraction of pseudoscience despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. We explore epistemology-how we know what we know and how we separate belief from opinion. These overarching themes are applied to specific pseudoscientific claims such as giants, aliens, and "lost" cities, and discuss famous frauds that misled society and set scientific research back several decades. We also examine contemporary beliefs surrounding topics like sex, race, and violence, and delve into hot-button issues like the anti-vaccine and natural foods movements.

Instructor Name (static text): 
O'Brien, Matthew J