CTA/NEA Micro-certification Program

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Select and complete a micro-certification and submit to receive credit from Chico State.

  • The qualifying micro-certification stacks are below and can be found in the CTA Stack Library.
    - Classroom Management
    - Exceptional Leaner
    - Diversity, Equity and Cultural Competence
  • Each micro-certification is at least 15 hours and 15 hours = 1 university credit through Chico State. The cost is $85 per unit of university credit.
  • Submit the online enrollment request form once you’ve completed  1+ micro-certifications. There is no need to submit certificates or other documents. CTA can verify your completed micro-certifications.
  • Once verified, you’ll be enrolled for the appropriate number of units and Professional & Continuing Education will send you an email with a link to pay the $85/per unit fees, as well as a payment deadline. 
  • At the end of the term, Dr. Susan Green will review the work submitted by the participants and grade accordingly.
  • You can spread the units you earn across the fall, winter, and spring terms, or earn them all in one term. It’s up to you!

Apply Now

Deadlines to submit your request forms:

  • For Spring '25 Units: May 1st 
    Transcripts available early June

Read Info About • Grades • Transcripts • Refunds

Looking for the CTA University Credit Program?
• CTA 2023-2024 University Credit Program


Your grades can be viewed online through the Chico State Portal. If you have not activated a portal account, follow the steps below. You will need to enter your date of birth and the nine-digit Chico State Portal ID number you received with your registration confirmation.

Step 1. Go to the "Claim Your Account" page
Step 2. Enter your Chico State ID & date of birth
Step 3. Answer the security questions
Step 4. Your account should be activated
Step 5. Enter the Student Center
Step 6. Select "Grades" under Academic History
Step 7. Select the term you wish to view grades

If you did not supply Continuing Education with your date of birth you will not have access to activate an account. If you are experiencing difficulty and do not remember if you supplied us with your date of birth, you should contact our office so that this information can be added to the system. Once the system is updated, approximately 24 hours after you contact us, you should have access. If you do not, please contact the Help Desk at 530-898-HELP (4357) or helpstu@csuchico.edu

If you have already created a Chico State Portal account, you can log in with your username (generally your first initial and last name) and the unique password you've already created.

Information regarding grades prior to summer 2004 will require a transcript request form available to download at www.csuchico.edu/sro

Official Transcripts

You can request an official, mailed transcript online. For questions regarding other services offered by Student Records and Registration please visit www.csuchico.edu/sro. Teachers requesting transcripts for salary increments should note the Special Instructions and review the processing outline to ensure timely receipt of transcripts. Your transcript shows work for courses numbered 001-899. Courses numbered 800-899 do not apply towards a degree unless approved by the appropriate department. Successful completion of an 800 level course will appear on the transcript with a CR or Letter grade and a value in the attempted field that may not be reflected in the earned field or the summary totals. Credit/No Credit Grading: If you plan to transfer to graduate or professional schools, be aware that some schools in evaluating transfer credit may regard Credit (CR) grades as C's and No Credit (NC) grades as F's.


Refunds are only granted if your request to Professional & Continuing Education is prior to the day of the conference. No refund is granted after the conference has begun.


* These courses are designed to meet objectives not served by established graduate and undergraduate courses. However, in exceptional cases and with the approval of the appropriate department chair and the dean of your school, they may be applied toward degree and credential programs for which such courses are deemed acceptable. Determination of the acceptability of these courses for degree and credential credit will depend primarily upon course content and approach. If you are considering using these courses for credential or degree purposes, consult with the appropriate department before registering.